Friday, October 1, 2021

Saturday October 16th from 11AM to 4PM - Celebration of Life for Rosemary Woolwich

Hello to all,

A Celebration of Life will be held for Rosemary Ring Woolwich 

Saturday, October 16, 2021,
Bridgewater Senior Center, 
132 Hut Hill Road, Bridgewater, 
Connecticut 06752 

11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. 

Family, friends, neighbors, coworkers and colleagues are all encouraged to attend and share their memorable experiences with Rosemary over the years. 

A light luncheon with beer and wine will be served. 
Please RSVP by October 12, 2021 to or text/call 520-414-8148 with number of persons attending for planning purposes.

If you have photos or written text to share in advance please send them to or text 321-537-0488 for inclusion in a slide show presentation, or bring them to share in person. 

A piano is available for performances in celebration. Those attending are asked to wear masks when not eating and drinking during the event.