Tuesday, October 30, 2012
SPOTLIGHT ON: Mary Johnson Allen and Jim Allen (Her Son)
You are invited to a Dedication Ceremony
Where: Bridgewater Recreation Facility (DEDICATION)
Hilltop Farm Senior Center (RECEPTION) following
When: Thursday, November 8th, 11 AM
Why: Memorial Dedication in honor of Mary Johnson Allen
and James "Jim" Allen
The large boulder at the Recreational Facility, a popular landmark for Bridgewater residents young and old, has been engraved in honor of Mary Allen.
Join us in celebrating her life and contributions
to Bridgewater with a dedication ceremony at 11 AM.
The Dedication will include James "Jim" Allen, who passed away in December 2006. The solar panels were received from a grant from the Northwest Conservation District. Jim was an active member. In addition, Jim served on a number of town committees and was an member of the Bridgewater Land Trust.
The Dedications will be immediately followed by refreshments
at the Hilltop Farm Senior Center.