December 31st - Tuesday
Bring your Laptop (with Power Adapter) and Smartphone for this Session.
1. Review Laptops for being Session Ready.
Software for Movie Video Installed.
Tip and Trick Folder Installed.
Icons placed and set up on the Desktop.
2. Search You Tube for Singer and Song Videos for January 7th.
Flyer Template for Playlist that is Created.
3. Scan Printed Pictures to Flash Drive.
Sort Pictures into desired order.
Practice how to Scan in the Computer Room.
4. Download and Install Adobe Scan from Apple Store or the Play Store.
Scan Pictures to your Smartphone to then Import with Photo Gallery.
Practice how to Scan with Adobe Scan.
Click> Sessions Outline for 2025
December 24th - Tuesday
1. We are going to Socialize and Watch:
The Andy Williams Christmas Show.
December 17th - Tuesday
Bring your Laptop (with Power Adapter) and Smartphone for this Session.
1. Create a Christmas Songs You Tube Playlist.
2. Have Coffee, Cake and Socialize.
December 10th - Tuesday
Bring your Laptop (with Power Adapter) and Smartphone for this Session.
1. Review Laptops for Installing Photo Gallery and Movie Maker.
2, Copy Tip or Trick Folder on Laptops.
3. Create a You Tube Playlist using Vol 10 Tip or Trick
4. Questions and Answers.
December 3rd - Tuesday
Bring your Laptop and the list of Concert Suggestions you want the Group to consider.
We will be Back to the Future for Concert Creation on the first Session of the month.
What Can you Learn at these Sessions:
1. You Tube.
How to Create a Music Video Playlist.
2. Photo Gallery.
How to Make a Snip and Sketch Picture.
How to Edit and Enhance Photos.
3. Movie Maker.
How to do a Title Introduction.
How to Add Captions and Credits.
How to Add Pictures, Videos, Music and Recorded Narration.
This Fun to Learn and the results are rewarding.
Here are the links to the old Concert Playlists and 2 new ones:
November 26th - Tuesday
Bring your list of Special Apps you use that may interest the Group.
Vol 10 Getting Apps you may want on your - I-Phone
We will review and individually demonstrate ability to get and
use the App you choose.
Vol 10A Getting Apps you may want on your - A-Phone
We will review and individually demonstrate ability to get and
use the App you choose.
General Discussion of any Issues and Questions.
November 19th - Tuesday
Bring your list of your TVs and any Streaming devices.
Fire Stick or Chromecast.
Vol 9 Making a TV or Streaming Remote - I-Phone
We will
review and individually demonstrate ability to
use the Remote App.
Vol 9A Making a TV or
Streaming Remote - A-Phone
We will review and
individually demonstrate ability to
use the Remote App
General Discussion
of any Issues and Questions.
November 12th - Tuesday
We will review and individually demonstrate ability to use the Health App.
Vol 8 Emergency Contact and Nuvance - I-Phone
We will review and individually demonstrate ability to use the Health App.
Vol 8A Emergency Contact and Nuvance A-Phone
General Discussion of any Issues and Questions.
November 5th - Tuesday
Agenda: No Session - Voting
October 29th - Tuesday
Bring your Laptop (with Power Adapter) and I-Phone for this Session.
We will see a short demonstration of the Nuvance Web Site.
Nuvance: (Best to use Laptop to Set Up)
1. Do a Google search on Nuvance - Blue and access their Web Site.
2. Create an Icon to Create an account and Sign in.
3. Go to the Sign in or Create an Account.
4. Follow the Instructor and create an Account. Write down your Password.
Emergency Contact (Use the I-Phone to Set Up)
1. Tap the Heath App.
2. Tap Medical ID.
3. Scroll Down and enter your Emergency Contacts.
4. Enter other Data whenever you want.
October 22nd - Tuesday
Android Phones from 10:30 to 11:00. (May leave or stay for I-Phone Agenda)
I-Phones from 11:00 to 11:30.
Other Issues from 11:30 to 12:00.
We will be sure that all phones are connected to Netgear85 -Wi Fi.
We will Add the Web App to any Smartphone for anyone needing it done.
We will review and individually demonstrate ability to Text a Message.
Vol 3A Text Messaging from your Android Phone
We will review and individually demonstrate ability to Cast to the TV.
Vol 3 Text Messaging from your I-Phone
General Discussion of any Issues and Questions
October 15th - Tuesday
Android Phones from 10:30 to 11:00. (May leave or stay for I-Phone Agenda)
I-Phones from 11:00 to 11:30.
Other Issues from 11:30 to 12:00.
We will be sure that all phones are connected to Netgear85 -Wi Fi.
We will Add the Web App to any Smartphone for anyone needing it done.
We will review and individually demonstrate ability to Cast to the TV.
Vol 2A Sharing a Contact from your Android Phone
We will review and individually demonstrate ability to Cast to the TV.
Vol 2 Sharing a Contact from your I-Phone
General Discussion of any Issues and Question
October 8th - Tuesday
I-Phones from 10:45 to 11:15.
Android Phones from 11:15 to 11:45
Other Issues from 11:45 to 12:00.
Everyone comes and Stays 10:30am to 12:00pm. Helping Others!
We will be sure that all phones are connected to Netgear85 -Wi Fi.
We will Add the Web App to any A-Phone for anyone needing it done.
We will review and individually demonstrate ability to Cast to the TV.
Vol 1 Casting to a TV from your I-Phone
We will review and individually demonstrate ability to Cast to the TV.
Vol 1A Casting to a TV from your Android Phone
General Discussion of any Issues and Question
September 24th - Tuesday
Agenda: GCF Global Learning <Click
1. Technology
2. Work
3. Core Skills
4. Reading and Math
5. Planning Future Sessions: from 11:30 to 12:00
September 24th - Tuesday
Workshop on Laptop Maintenance 11:00 to 12:00.
Bring your Old Laptop for Evaluation and
Don’t forget to bring your Power Adapter and
Planning Future Sessions: from 11:30 to 12:00.
Check Settings to verify that the Windows 10 O/S
is up to date.
Do a Cleanup on the Hard Drive (C).
3. General Discussion
of future Sessions and any Issues.
September 17th - Tuesday
I-Phones from 10:30 to 11:00.
Android Phones from
11:00 to 11:30.
Other Issues from 11:30 to 12:00.
Everyone comes and Stays 10:30am to 12:00pm. Helping Others!
We will review and individually demonstrate:
Vol 7 Calling, Setting Up Voicemail and Call Blocking
2. We will be sure that
all phones are connected to Netgear85 -Wi Fi
We Add
the Web App to any A-Phone for anyone needing it done.
4. We will review the Draft of
Vol 7A.
Vol 7A Calling, Setting Up Voicemail and Call Blocking A-Phone
5. General Discussion of any Issues and Questions.
September 10th - Tuesday
I-Phones from 10:30 to 11:00.
Android Phones from
11:00 to 11:30.
Other Issues from 11:30 to 12:00.
Everyone comes and Stays 10:30am to 12:00pm. Helping Others!
We will review and individually demonstrate using Siri:
Vol 6 Setting Up and Using Siri
2. We will be sure that
all phones are connected to Netgear85 -Wi Fi
We Add
the Web App to any A-Phone for anyone needing it done.
4. We will review the Draft of
Vol 6A.
Vol 6A Setting Up and Using Hey Google A-Phone
General Discussion of any Issues and Questions.
September 3rd - Tuesday
I-Phones from 10:30 to 11:00.
Android Phones from
11:00 to 11:30.
Other Issues from 11:30 to 12:00.
Everyone comes and Stays 10:30am to 12:00pm. Helping Others!
We will review and individually demonstrate:
Vol 5 Moving Apps and Settings I-Phone
2. We will be sure that
all phones are connected to Netgear85 -Wi Fi
We Add
the Web App to any A-Phone for anyone needing it done.
4. We will review the Draft of
Vol 5A.
Vol 5A Moving Apps and Settings A-Phone
General Discussion of any Issues and Questions.
August 27th - Tuesday
I-Phones from 10:30 to 11:00.
Android Phones from
11:00 to 11:30.
Other Issues from 11:30 to 12:00.
Everyone comes and Stays 10:30am to 12:00pm. Helping Others!
We will review and individually demonstrate:
Vol 4 Using the Camera I-Phone
2. We will be sure that
all phones are connected to Netgear85 -Wi Fi
We Add
the Web App to your A-Phone for anyone needing it done.
4. We will review the Draft of
Vol 4A.
Vol 4A Using the Camera A-Phone
General Discussion of any Issues and Questions.
August 20th - Tuesday
We now have 7 attendees with Android Smartphones and we will split the time:
I-Phones 10:30 to 11:00 and Android Phones from 11:00 to 12:00.
Everyone comes and Stays 11:00am to 12:00pm. Helping Others!
We will review and individually demonstrate:
Vol 3 Sending a Text Message with a Photo
2. We will be sure that
all phones are connected to Netgear85 -Wi Fi
We Add
the Web App to your A-Phone for anyone needing it done.
4. I will send your Contact
Info to your A-Phone from Andrea.
5. With help you will add the
Contact to your Current Contacts.
6. We will review the Draft of
Vol 2A.
Vol 2A Sharing a Contact by Text Message A-Phone
7. We will review
the Draft of Vol 3A.
Vol 3A Sending a Text Message with a Photo
8. Noella will attempt to
connect to the TV Using the Draft of Vol 1A.
Vol 1A Casting to a TV from your Android Phone
9. General Discussion of any Issues and
August 6th - Tuesday
Agenda: Voting for Primary, No Session.
August 6th - Tuesday
We now have 6 attendees with Android Smartphones and we will split the time:
I-Phones 11:00 to 11:30 and Android Phones from 11:30 to 12:00.
Everyone comes and Stays 11:00am to 12:00pm. Helping Others!
1. We will review and individually demonstrate:
Vol 2 Sharing a Contact by Text Message I-Phone
1. We will start with Adding the Web App to your A-Phone".
2. I will send your Contact Info to your A-Phone".
3. With help you will add the Contact to your Current Contacts
4. We will review the Draft of Vol 2A.
Vol 2A Sharing a Contact by Text Message A-Phone
5. Noella will attempt to connect to the TV Using the Draft of Vol 1A.
Vol 1A Casting to a TV from your Android Phone
6. General Discussion of any Issues and Questions.
July 30th - Tuesday
1. We will start with "Casting to the TV from your I-Phone".
2. Thorough review of the Following:
01. I-Phone Tips and Tricks How To Videos
July 23rd - Tuesday
Agenda: Future Planning
1. I-Phones
2. You Tube Concert Searching
3. Theater Going
4. Activity Brought Up
July 16th - Tuesday
1. I-Phones
Any part of the Sessions you want to Review.
2. Concert Searching on You Tube
3. Any Topic at Session
July 9th - Tuesday
3 Laptops and a Printer.
You will NOT need your Laptop.
Our Instructor - Noella will Project Instructions to the TV.
You will Search for a Card to Print.
Birthdays looks like this.
A Card Looks like This!
The Inside is like this!
July 2nd - Tuesday
You will need your Laptop if you don't have a Google account.
You will need your Apple Password to get the Google Calendar App for
an I-Phone.
Android phones get the App from the Play Store.
We will set up the App on the Phone.
Schedule some Appointments.
Schedule Repeating Events.
Use Siri to Schedule.
June 25th - Tuesday
Some of you may be neglecting your Laptop. June is Maintenance Month.
Repeat of those who forgot Laptop last week.
and we will do a simple one at 10:45 AM. (Bring your Laptop if you have one)
1. Check that Windows is up to date.
2. Cleanup the Hard Drive.
3. Any other Laptop Issues.
Make a List of things you would like on the Agenda and Email
them to me. Items you want Reviewed or you Missed a Session.
I will add them to the Agenda.
Round the Table-Give Your I-Phone concern.
General Discussion of Issues and Questions on any of the
Lessons or Sessions.
June 18th - Tuesday
Some of you may be neglecting your Laptop. June is Maintenance Month
and we will do a simple one at 10:45 AM. (Bring your Laptop if you have one)
1. Check that Windows is up to date.
2. Cleanup the Hard Drive.
Make a List of things you would like on the Agenda and Email
them to me. Items you want Reviewed or you Missed a Session.
I will add them to the Agenda.
Round the Table-Give Your I-Phone concern.
General Discussion of Issues and Questions on any of the
Lessons or Sessions.
June 11th - Tuesday
Round the Table-Give Your Thing you Don't Like.
General Discussion of Issues and Questions on any of the
Lessons or Sessions.
Make a List of things you would like on the Agenda and Email
them to me.
I will add them to the Agenda.
June 4th - Tuesday
1. Phone Calls and Texts You Don't Want .
2. E-Mail You Don't Want.
3. Round the Table-Give Your Thing you Don't Like.
General Discussion of Issues and Questions.
May 28th - Tuesday
1. The Google Search App.
2. Getting the Google Search App.
3. Meaning of Google That.
4. Shutting off the Passcode.
5. Other Google or YouTube Searches.
6. Swiping.
7. Taking Screen Shot .
8. Share via Siri.
9. Saving a picture on a Text.
10. Calling on Speaker Mode.
May 21st - Tuesday
Watch the Videos of I-Phone Siri Ideas and Settings Changes.
1. Find My Car.
2. Where am I?
3. Sponsor Message.
4. Flip a Coin.
5. Conversations.
6. Battery Percent.
7. Open Apps.
8. Share via Siri.
9. Switch Things On & Off.
10. What does it Sound Like.
General Discussion of Issues and Questions.
May 14th - Tuesday
Watch the Videos of I-Phone Siri Ideas and Settings Changes.
1. Turn off a Phone Call Made By Siri.
2. Turn your I-Phone Off and Back On.
3. Take a Photo by Siri.
4. Relationships.
5. Include Emojis While Texting.
6. What Can I do Here.
7. Daily Briefing.
8. Longer Siri Pause Time.
9. Send Text Message Without Confirming.
10. Pronunciation of Names.
General Discussion of Issues and Questions.
May 7th - Tuesday
Set up any New Attendees with the Center Web Page App.
1. Review Lesson 6 Instruction Sheet .
2. Watch the Video on Texting Attachments.
3. Demonstrate some different Texting Functions.
4. Practice some New Texting Functions in Groups of 2.
5. General Discussion of Issues and Questions.
the Video:
Tutorial Video for Texting Updated< Click
Practice doing Texting Updated Messages:
It is best to do a few Messages this way to be sure you can do it.
April 30th - Tuesday
Set up any New Attendees with the Center Web Page App.
1. Review Lesson 5 Instruction Sheet .
2. Watch the Setting Up and Using Siri Video.
3. Demonstrate some Siri Functions.
4. Practice some Siri Functions in Groups of 2.
5. General Discussion of Issues and Questions.
Watch the Video:
Tutorial Video on the use of Siri < Click
It is best test these functions to be sure you can do it, but there are many more functions that Siri can do for you.
April 23rd - Tuesday
Set up any New Attendees with the Center Web Page App.
Review New I-Phone Tips and Tricks - How to Videos Set up.
1. Review Lesson 4 Instruction Sheet .
2. Watch the Change Settings Video.
3. General Discussion of Issues and Questions.
Tutorial Video to Change Settings < Click
1. It is best see where changes
are made to be sure you can do it, but only leave it changed if you are sure
you want it changed.
April 16th - Tuesday
Set up any New Attendees with the Center Web Page App.
1. Review status of Everyone's ability to take pictures .
2. Take Pictures within the Group. Set Groups of two.
3. General Discussion of Issues and Questions.
the Video:
Tutorial Video for the Camera < Click
1. It is best to take some
pictures and Videos to be sure you can do it.
April 9th - Tuesday
Set up New Attendees with the Center Web Page App.
1. Review status of Everyone Attending Cell Phone Numbers in Contacts.
2. Share Texts and Pictures within the Group. Set Groups of two.
3. General Discussion of Issues and Questions.
Lesson 2
I-Phone Instructions for Text Messaging
Watch the Video:
Tutorial Video for Texting < Click
Practice doing Text Messages:
It is best to do a few Text Messages to be sure you can do it.
April 2nd - Tuesday - No Session Voting Primaries
March 26th - Tuesday
Set up New Attendees with the Center Web Page App.
1. Review status of Everyone's Contacts.
2. Share Contacts within the Group.
3. General Discussion of Issues and Questions.
Lesson 1
I-Phone Instructions for Contact Sharing
Watch the Video:
Tutorial Video for Contact Sharing < Click
Practice the Sharing of a Contact:
6. It is best to do a few sharing of a few Contacts to be sure you can do it.